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What are the seventy weeks of Daniel ~ The Final Week of the 70 Weeks Of the 70 “sevens” 69 have been fulfilled in history This leaves one more “seven” yet to be fulfilled Most scholars believe that we are now living in a huge gap between the 69th week and the 70th week The prophetic clock has been paused as it were The final “seven” of Daniel is what we usually call the tribulation period

The 70th Week of Daniel A Gap Scripture Revealed ~ And can we safely conclude that Daniel’s 70th week was fulfilled nearly two thousand years ago Please consider the following points and then decide Daniel prophesied that “seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city” Dan 924

The 70 Weeks Of Daniel – Grace thru faith ~ The Hebrew word translated weeks or sevens refers to a period of 7 years like the English word decade refers to a period of 10 years It literally means “a week of years” So 70 weeks is 70 x 7 years or 490 years

Daniels 70 Weeks of Years Tribulation Lamb and Lion ~ One of the most remarkable and important prophecies in the Bible is found in Daniel 92427 It is the cornerstone of Messianic prophecy because it establishes the timing of both the First and Second Advents of the Messiah The prophecy is usually referred to as “The 70 Weeks of Years”

When Are Daniels 70 Weeks Fulfilled ~ This they assert happens before the final week begins Yet the text ends with Jerusalem’s destruction in 70 AD allowing no room for a 2000 year gap It is not the seventy first or more weeks It is the seventieth weeks There is no weekly interger between 69 and 70 or the last week of the prophecy

Why a Gap in Daniels 70 Weeks Bible Prophecy Blog ~ Here are some textual reasons for a gap of time between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel First of all the text says “Then after the sixtytwo ” In other words after the seven plus 62 weeks which equals a total of 69 weeks of years 483 years total

70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel Bible Prophecy ~ The 70 weeks prophecy of Daniel gives us an important starting date for the 2300 day years prophecy of Daniel 8 It also gives us a definitive time frame that God gave to the Jews as a nation to turn to Him and accept Jesus And most important of all it confirms Jesus Christ as the Messiah

Daniel’s Prophecy of 70 Weeks Foretells the Messiah’s ~ Daniel was told “You should know and understand that from the issuing of the word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Leader there will be 7 weeks also 62 weeks” —Daniel 925 To determine the time of the Messiah’s arrival first we need to learn the starting point of the period leading to the Messiah

Daniels 70 Week Prophecy ~ Spanish Jesuit Francisco Ribera proposed that the final seven years of the 70 weeks of Daniel was a future antichrist and that antichrist would bring an end to sacrifices in a rebuilt temple This is where the supposed 7 years of tribulation comes from before the second coming of Christ


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